Soil imbalance

Struggling against the erosive and unbalanced mechanisms of soil textures

The progressive loss of soil biological fertility due to lack of organic matter has been generally observed in France. This imbalance results in textural instability of soils and a high sensitivity to erosion. This decline in organic matter content is responsible for the low biological activity and low resistance of crops.


The restoration of a better balanced soil texture able to withstand erosion mechanisms requires the recommendation of organic fertilizers precursors to humus in soils (ORGA 3…). These NSP (Nutrition and Stimulation Programs) focus on the development of a powerful root system promoting the anchoring of crops and their resistance under weather stress conditions (OSIRYL product). The addition of adapted foliar supplements (ANTYSNUTRIKALI) makes it possible to quickly correct nutritional deficiencies while optimizing their resistance.


Rapeseed test results in unbalanced soil conditions

Control field of rapeseed and rapeseed field with implementation of a Frayssinet NSP

Contact us for more information on the NSP.